Saturday, May 21, 2011

Best Advice Ever?

Its graduation season. All across the country friends and families are gathering to watch their children, siblings, and sometimes even their parents walk across the stage, receive a diploma, and shake the university president's hand. They aim their cameras at the stage to catch the precise moment when the years of sacrifice, prayer, and holding of breath wondering if this would ever happen, finally culminates.

A key element of the graduation ceremony is the commencement address where a speaker challenges the graduates to go forth and make a difference in their world. These speeches are often filled with wisdom and sage advice.

As I reflected on this process while attending a graduation ceremony recently, I began thinking about the advice that I have received over the years. These are some things I might tell graduates if I ever deliver a commencement address again. (Yes, you read it correctly. I have done two of them).

Here is a sampling from the inventory of advice I have collected over the years:

"As a manager, your job is to create an environment where people can perform." (From my father when I got my first managerial position)

"As a teacher, your job is to create an environment where people can learn." (From my dad when I first started teaching)

"The greatest inheritance a father can give his children is to love their mother." (From Ken Kilinski, pastor of Pantego Bible Church)

"Know what you know; know what you don't know and don't be afraid to ask for help." (From Jim, CEO Industrial Air & Hydraulics)

"If its not illegal, immoral, or permanent, don't make a federal case out of it." (Parenting advice from our friend Karla )

"Don't let your children come home from college for the first six weeks of the freshman year." (Parenting advice from our friends the Holders)

Those are some gems of wisdom I have received. I'd like to hear from you.

What is the best advice you have received?