Sunday, March 4, 2012

Changing My Script - Part 1

… and allowing myself the discomfort.

I made a decision to change something this week, and as with most changes it has created some discomfort.

For the last 12 years I have maintained – and actually used – a membership at the same fitness center. However, over the last couple of years the gym has become “old” – there have been no equipment upgrades and much of the existing equipment breaks frequently and the repairs have not been timely.

So I joined a new gym.

And this is requiring multiple script changes. First, the new gym is in a different area. So, the “driving to the gym” script will have to change. There are multiple routes to and from the new place. I have only been 3 times so far, so a new “driving to the gym” script has not been developed.

The “workout script” will also have to change. New machines, new layout. The familiar is gone. It will take a while to get comfortable here.

As I contemplated this decision this week, I realized that a major script change would be required and I almost didn’t do the deal. It would have been much easier – and comfortable – to stay with the old gym, even in decline.

But, I decided to allow myself the discomfort.

As I contemplate all of this, I wonder if people stay in the same job, or go to the same gym, or continue to attend the same church for similar reasons. The thrill of a challenge is gone, needs aren’t being met: yet, it’s comfortable. I know what to expect here and I know what is expected of me.

And besides, change creates discomfort.

Are you willing to allow yourself the discomfort?

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