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Monday, October 1, 2012

The Crucibles of Leadership - Part 3

The second form of crucible identified by Thomas is a “reversal.”

Reversals involve loss, impairment, defeat, or a significant failure.

The essence of a reversal is the realization that something once believed to be permanent is only transient, or something believed to be true is found to be false.

These experiences teach a potential leader to see his or situation in new and more comprehensive way.

When we move past the immdeiate pain of a reversal, we can then begin to see the lessons to be learned - the gold to be extracted. Unfortunately, many lessons can only be learned through reversals.

But is important to realize that these reversals are events - and these too shall pass. Learn the lesson, reload, and move on.

Don't linger too long over the reversals. For that matter, don't linger too long over successes either. Use the evnt as a teachable moment, learn the lesson, get up, and get back in the game - with new insight and the wisdom that only comes from setbacks.

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