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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lessons from Lance

I watched with great interest the two part interview that Lance Armstrong did with Oprah this week.

I watched it through the lens of leadership and leadership derailment, even though as an athlete some have made into a hero, he isn’t technically a leader.

But he is a great athlete –even without enhancing his performance with banned drugs.

As I watched I was reminded of Tiger Woods, General Petraeus, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and Joe Paterno. Is that the company you want to keep? But this is what I thought: Such talent, such achievement and accomplishment. But now it’s tarnished.

I was reminded – again - of Andy Stanley’s statement that

“Your talent and giftedness have the potential to take you further than your character can sustain you … and that ought to scare you!”

Lance Armstrong admitted his wrong. And he also admitted he was wrong in the aggressive bullying of those who called him out. He called them names, arrogantly defying them, and suing more people than he could remember in an effort to protect his name and cover up his deceit.

That part of Lance’s story reminded me of others who lash out at critiques, and accuse them of drinking “hater-aide.” When long-time inner circle associates try to discuss blindspots and reverse the derailment process unfolding right before them, they are immediately dismissed and threatened with law suits if they dare tell the truth of what is going on behind the scenes.

This weekend churches will be inundated with sermons using the Lance Armstrong story. Here’s what I would say if I were preaching this sermon:

What would Jesus say to us?

First, I think he would say “Let the one among you who has not sinned throw the first stone.” Let the one among you who never cheated on a test, copied someone else’s homework, fudged an expense report, or was less than fully honest when completing a tax return throw the first stone. Let the one among you who has never lied – even a little bit to keep from hurting someone’s feelings or to avoid going out with a couple you don’t really care for because you already had other plans. Don’t pull the magnitude card on me. I don’t see a sliding scale in the commands on honesty.

The second thing I think Jesus would say to us when we want to critically examine Lance Armstrong is: “get the log out of your own eye before you judge Lance.”

Now, let’s shift gears and ask: What would Jesus say to Lance?

In the interview with Oprah, Lance repeatedly referred to “the process” of healing he is going through. He talked about his need to get past being the arrogant bully who would win at all cost. I think Jesus would say to Lance, “Let me help you. You can’t do this in your own strength. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Follow Me.” Jesus would invite to Lance into a personal relationship that did not require cleaning up his act first. Jesus would extend the same unmerited favor – we call it grace - to Lance that He extended to me and makes available to all who ask. If Lance accepts that invitation He will immediately receive a divine counselor in the form of the Holy Spirit to help him work through the process.

In the interview Lance also discussed the advice his ex-wife has given him that "the truth will make you free." Let’s put that in its proper context (John 8: 31-32)

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

But, the real question is not what would Jesus say to Lance Armstrong? The real question is what would Jesus say to you?

Do you see yourself in Lance Armstrong’s story? Are you a Type-A high achiever that is driven to win at all costs? Are you an arrogant bully who tramples on anyone who stands in your way? Are you feedback resistant? Are you so caught up in yourself that you have become “comfortably numb” to your corner-cutting and abuse of others?

If so, Jesus is asking what does it profit you to gain the world – win the Tour de France, dominate the market, set the record for sales – if you lose your soul?

Jesus is saying Follow Me.

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