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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Leading the Adaptive Challenge - Maintenance

Not all leadership work is about change. Sometimes the challenge is to hold things together -to protect essential resources, maintain core values, and keep the enterprise from falling apart.
Maintenance leadership is needed to hold a group, community, organization, or country together when it is under threat.

The work for people in such a predicament is to face the reality that their survival is at stake and do what is required to reserve resources and maintain a level of energy that can allow the system to survive until the threat passes.
The condition of the people facing a Maintenance challenge: People in a maintenance challenge are generally in a state of trepidation and anxiety.

The barrier that impedes progress consists of the attitudes and practices of the people that lead them to further jeopardize the value and resources they have amassed.
The promise or aspiration (vision) on the other side of the barrier: The promise in a maintenance challenge is that the remaining value and resources of the people can be protected. The people will eventually weather the storm and survive if wise and prudent leadership can be provided.


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