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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Collaborative Mindset

The collaborative mindset is all about appreciating relationships . This is a critical ingredient in leadership.

Leadership is intentional influence that takes place in the context of a relationship.

Because relationships are the primary context for the leadership process, leaders must develop the interpersonal dimension of organizations. The development of this capacity must begin with the leader. The leader must model the way and take the initiative for developing relationships throughout the organization.

Those who rise to leadership positions without cultivating the skills of relationship-building, negotiating, stakeholder coordination, and knowledge management will have limited effectiveness.

So, effective leaders understand the importance of developing emotional intelligence - EQ. Emotionally intelligent leaders are aware of their emotions and use their emotions in a constructive way.

Leaders with a high level of emotional intelligence are also aware of the emotions of others. They display empathy as they help others manage their own emotions.

Leaders who lack the skills associated with emotional intelligence lose their influence and may actually derail their careers.

How's your EQ? Are you cultivating and nurturing your relationship with those you lead?

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