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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Double That Number!

I read recently that we eventually reach an age when the likelihood of living twice as long begins to diminish. I think I am there. I doubt I will live to be 110. But, I have been married 34 years – and that number is still double-able (easier to write than it is to say!).

So, as we celebrate our 34th anniversary I am hoping for –at least- 34 more years!

Like a Coat from the Cold

I've found comfort and courage in bottles of whiskey.
But I swear to you friend that that life is sum'm risky.
I have backed away quickly from those that would burn me.
and stopped up my ears that no one should learn me.

But the lady beside me is the one I have chosen
to walk through my life
like a coat from the cold

I have flown like a bird from every cage that confined me
and broken every one of the ties that could bind me
I have danced me around some sad ol' situations
and taken up my share of them sweet invitations

But the lady beside me is the one I have chosen
to walk through my life
like a coat from the cold

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