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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Leader-Culture Connection Part 3

Accepting Cultures are characterized as follows:

• The overall atmosphere is very positive, but there are a few topics that are taboo, or there are a few incompetent leaders who remain in the job too long. These unresolved issues and problematic leaders are the bumps and potholes that create tension. In many cases, the difficulties remain isolated in the departments were those poor managers lead. For the people on these teams, the environment may be quite negative, while the rest of the organization thrives.

• Generally, most people in the organization are supportive of each other's roles and goals. Communication is a strength, and people don't feel the need to defend their turf.

• Some difficult decisions are avoided instead of addressed expeditiously. For instance, leaving a poor leader in place too long erodes the trust and drive of those who serve in that department.

• Most people who work in these organizations think they are the organization is the one of the best ones they've ever experienced. They love the blend of clear goals and strong relationships, and they are highly motivated to do their best. The senior leaders in these organizations invest in developing people and the culture. If they were more assertive about taking care of problems in the culture, they could be even more successful.

• These organizations enjoy a strong reputation, so they attract a lot of applicants. However, the new hires who are placed under incompetent leaders are deeply disappointed.

Source: Chand, S. (2011) Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code: Seven Keys to Unleashing Vision and Inspiration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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