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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The View from the Summit - Part Three

Tony Dungy was interviewed by Jimmy Mellado. These are the highlights of that interview.

Influences on his leadership philosophy. He was greatly influenced by his father who was a professor. His father described his job as "helping students get A's."

The next influence was Coach Chuck Noll who told him that his only job as a coach was to "help players play better."

Thus, "the job of any leader is to help those you lead get better."

As he discussed this, I was reminded of lessons I learned from my own father. When I first became a manager my dad told me that my job was to create an environment where people could perform. A few years later I began teaching part-time and my dad told me that my primary task as a teacher was to create an environment where students could learn.

Living with life balance. "We are going to win, but can't make football your life." He modeled balance for his staff and his team. The facility was open to families and he often had his children at practices and meetings.

  • Be efficient; get work done.

  • Don't mistake hours for productivity.

  • Don't feel guilty about going home.

Mentoring. "We have to be available to mentor. A 30 second conversation with a mentor can change your life. Everybody should have a Paul and a Timothy in their life."

What does mentoring look like? "Learn about the mentee and develop the relationship. The informal part is so much more important than the formal part."

"The biggest thrill you get is watching people come in and develop."

What type of person do you look for? "The Lord puts people in your path. We need to be intentional about reaching out to young people in our community." Dungy feels a calling from the Lord to reach junior/senior high school kids.

Dungy's Mom and Dad were his first mentors. "All the people in his life led him to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the best mentor/leader I have ever been involved with."

"What would it profit to win the Super Bowl but not know Jesus?"

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