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Friday, August 20, 2010

The View from the Summit - Part Four

When Leaders Fall - Adam Hamilton

Leaders seem to be particularly susceptible to temptations that when acted on lead to personal derailment. I have previously posted comments about the road to derailment. Hamilton's talk was focused on derailment due to temptations in the area of improper relationships and sexual misconduct.

Why are leaders so susceptible?
  • We are wired for reproduction.
  • We have a deep desire for intimacy and companionship.
  • We have a inherent sin drive that can lead to self-destruction.
  • Leaders are attractive to others.
  • When we are empty, we are vulnerable.

"The moment of the maybe" when we begin to play with an idea in our mind. While it may be natural to find others attractive, we should never communicate those thoughts.

"There is a short distance between communicating feelings and acting on them."

Five R's for Resisting Temptation:

  1. Remember who you are: Lord I belong to you.
  2. Recognize the consequences of your actions: How will you feel after?
  3. Rededicate yourself to God: Stop, Drop, and Pray.
  4. Reveal your struggle to a trusted friend.
  5. Remove yourself from the situation.

In his book The Next Generation Leader, Andy Stanley poses two important questions for dealing with temptations:

  • "What little thing in your life has the potential to become a big thing?"
  • "Who other than you knows about it?"

We need to practice James 5:16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. "

As leaders we have a target on our back. Opponents would love to see us fall, and the Enemy would love to remove us from our places of influence.

Wise leaders will heed the warnings and proactively place firm boundaries into their lives.

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