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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Visioneering, Part 2

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” (Helen Keller)

In my previous posts on Visioneering, I have discussed the consequences of not having a vision. One of the consequences of not having a vision is that people are “unrestrained” (Proverbs 29:18, NASB).

In The Message version of the Bible, it reads like this:

Without vision the people we lead will be confused, scattered, unfocused, and easily distracted. Without vision alignment, people may be busy doing things, but they are easily pulled off center and will quickly wear themselves out.”

In Chazown, Craig Grosechel, says:

“Without a consistent and compelling vision – constant orientation by fixed landmarks – people drift.”

I spend a lot of time with people that are a little further behind me on the road of life. I like to find out where they came from. I like to spend time understanding where they are. But, I really like to talk about where there going. It's amazing to me that so many of these people have no sense of where they're going. They are drifting through their days, working hard, but often with no sense of direction. They are scattered, unfocused, and easily distracted.

When I encounter this, I am reminded of Andy Stanley’s comment: “everybody ends up somewhere…some people end up there on purpose.”

He has expanded on this thought in his most recent book, The Principle of the Path:

Your direction, not your intention, determines your destination. And your attention, determines your direction.”

What do you pay attention to? That will determine your direction.

So how can you focus your attention? Create a vision for your life.

Where do you want to end up? What do you want people to say about you at your funeral? What do you want your legacy to be? As Stephen Covey said years ago, “Begin with the end in mind.”

Let your vision be the focus of your attention so that your attention will determine your direction because your direction determines your destination.

1 comment:

The York Family said...

Good stuff, J.Lee! Chazown was an excellent book. Thanks for reminding me to "check my vision!" I want to go where the Lord leads me, not where life throws me!